The Challenge
On motorways and high-speed dual carriageways, there is quite simply zero margin for error.
Without fail, contractors delivering National Highways and local authority projects have got to get it absolutely right. All the time.
They need intelligent transport system (ITS) solutions on which they can rely if they are to prevent potentially catastrophic accidents, keeping drivers and road workers safe round the clock.
They must ensure that traffic flows efficiently around roadworks, enabling their client to achieve their ambitious road user experience targets.
And of course, the kit needs to be sustainable, allowing all parties to honour their environmental goals.
The Solution
SRL has made a name for itself as one of the leading manufacturers of integrated, solar-powered, portable ITS for hire in the high-speed sector, with its equipment a widely recognised feature on major projects throughout the country.
Manufactured by SWARCO, its HS (high-speed) Messenger variable message sign (VMS) was designed specifically for the UK and RoI market, meeting and exceeding all domestic regulations and providing unrivalled long-distance visibility. It is CE certified to EN12966 and approved to TOPAS TR2516C standards; trailers are UK Type approved.
The signs deliver impossible to ignore, high-impact warnings of roadworks ahead, ensuring that drivers slow down or prepare to switch lane at a safe distance, extra vigilant of the presence of roadworkers undertaking some of the most dangerous jobs in construction. Incorporating radar-integration, they are speed-activated to deliver uncompromising alerts to speeding drivers.
Their journey time capability means that they can responsibly prepare drivers for any delays with helpful transparency.
Work-zone protection barriers guard against dangerous incursions, while CCTV reliably monitors the area, providing clear images whatever the visibility.
SRL will work in efficient partnership with you as you plan your contract, designing and delivering the ideal bespoke solution.
To find out about how SRL can help you to ensure that your high-speed project is safe, efficient and sustainable, please email or call 01606 738866.
High Impact VMS
SRL’s VMS adhere to all required specifications and approvals, and provide a clear form of temporary communication with drivers. Journey-time functionality is available.
Support that doesn't just stop after installation
Our dedicated VMS team will provide on-going technical and business support. This includes support covering planning, placement and location mapping as well as supporting with optimal deployment weather and messaging design guidance. We also provide sample screenshots of displays, alongside accurate google locations (Including street view) and guidance around using the correct VMS product that meets legislation criteria.
Services and Support
As Europe’s largest manufacturer and hirer of ITS equipment, we have over 30 depots strategically placed across the UK and Ireland providing a 24/7 service, 365 days a year, our service is unlike no other.
Learn about our Services and Support