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Case Study

Delivering The Biggest Integrated Event Traffic Management Solution to Glastonbury Festival

SRL provided Glastonbury Festival Events with an integrated traffic management solution comprising a range of products; VMS, CCTV and ANPR cameras and work-zone protection barriers to support its traffic management plan, designed to facilitate the safe and efficient flow of traffic to and around the 900-acre Festival.

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Case Study

Using Urban64® for Short Term Projects

Working in partnership with SWARCO and Renfrewshire Council, SRL were pleased to provide our Urban64® solution whilst vital signal works and refurbishments were made to permanent signals on Junction 25a of the M8, the main motorway connecting Glasgow to Edinburgh which regularly experiences high volumes of traffic due to the nearby Braehead retail outlet, shopping centre, arena and entertainment venues.

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Case Study

Reducing The Impact of Major Roadworks in Edinburgh City Centre with SRL’s Portable UTMC

A landmark project to build a new tramline to link Edinburgh airport with the city began back in 2008. Phase one of the project to construct an 8.7-mile line between the airport and York Place was completed in 2014 at a cost of £776 million. With a journey time of around 40 minutes from the city centre to the airport,...

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Case Study

Upgrading the A46 Binley Roundabout

The A46 links the East and West Midlands, connecting Coventry and Warwickshire to the motorway network but traffic congestion to the east of Coventry was causing longer journey times, more queues and increased frustration for road users. Work on the Binley Roundabout Scheme led by Highways England (National Highways), began in March 2020, and centre on the addition of flyover at...

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Case Study

West Hill & King Edward Avenue, Dartford

SRL completed an Urban64 traffic signal installation at the junction of West Hill and King Edward Avenue in Dartford. The junction was undergoing modernisation and Telent, who were the principal contractor for the site, commissioned SRL’s Urban64 system.

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Case Study

Reducing Congestion and Improving Safety on M6 Junction Improvement with Urban64®

The installation at Junction 19 is one of the first linked MOVA Urban64® systems to operate on such a significant junction in the Highways England network. Due to the excessive throughput of vehicles in the area due to the nearby Manchester Airport, Highways England announced a £43 million improvement plan to build a new bridge through the existing roundabout and over the...

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Case Study

The Smart Way to Switch from Permanent to Temporary Traffic Lights

The process of transitioning from permanent to temporary traffic lights can be time consuming, expensive and involve numerous journeys to and from site, increasing carbon emissions.

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Case Study

Urban64® Implement Separately Signalled Movements to Improve Junction Efficiency in Bridgend, South Wales

When existing SRL customers, ERH, and its sister company Centregreat, contacted Regional Manager, Paul Hamilton, about a refurbishment to existing signals in Bridgend, Paul immediately recognised the potential for Urban64® and referred the scheme to the major projects team.  At that time, ERH were unfamiliar with Urban64® and its benefits, so managing director, John Cleary was pleased to enlighten them…

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Case Study

SRL & TGL Group Partner to Grow Urban and Events Markets Together

To address safety concerns at the Old Street Roundabout in London, including frequent collisions involving cyclists and pedestrians, Transport for London (TfL) sought a transformation project introduced a two-way signal-controlled layout, cycle-only signals, and expanded pedestrian crossings.  SRL's Urban64 system was chosen to be the ideal temporary traffic solution during this high-profile redevelopment, thus supporting the creation of safer pathways...

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Case Study

Reducing Queue Lengths at Temporary Traffic Lights by 50% with Multiphase ADS.

Temporary roadworks have the reputation for causing congestion, frustrating road users and risking reputational damage to the local authority, utility company or traffic management provider overseeing them. The solution? Multiphase ADS, the UK’s only independently proven system, significantly reducing traffic queues and journey times, transforming traffic management outcomes.

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